The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recognizes more than 40 conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. However, it is important to remember that acupuncture treats the whole person, not just the condition. Even if your condition is not listed below, you may still benefit from acupuncture.
Pain: this is one of the most common and well-known conditions that respond quickly to acupuncture treatments:
Chronic and difficult conditions such as:
Women’s Health conditions:
Neurological conditions:
Other commonly treated conditions recognized by the World Health Organization:
Read the full report of the World Health Organization Clinical Acupuncture Trials
- Back Pain (lower, middle or upper), sciatica
- Dental Pain
- Facial Pain, Bell’s, TMJ
- Headache / Migraine
- Joint Pain, tendonitis
- Neck Pain
- Post-operative
Chronic and difficult conditions such as:
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Depression/anxiety
- Insomnia
- Weight loss
Women’s Health conditions:
- Infertility
- Menopause
- Menstrual disorders
- Morning sickness
Neurological conditions:
- Multiple sclerosis
- Stroke recovery or prevention
Other commonly treated conditions recognized by the World Health Organization:
- Addiction
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Common cold or flu
- Depression
- Digestive Disorders
- Eye Disorders
- Frozen Shoulder
- Hypertension
- Hypo-tension
- Insomnia
- Season allergies
- Repetitive Stress Injury, sprains
Read the full report of the World Health Organization Clinical Acupuncture Trials