Sound Healing
Here, at Roseville Acupuncture and Massage, I am committed to providing a supportive environment in which we, and those whom I serve as clients, can grow to their maximum wellness potential in body, mind and spirit.
My vision is to share, as a community, a place for healing, and connection with my clients. I offer a variety of services geared toward this vision: acupuncture, gua sha, cupping, herbal consultation, tuning fork therapy, and sound healing. You can book with me online for any one of these services from the above navigation panel. Conveniently located in the city of Roseville, just 3 blocks south of Highway 36, on Lexington Avenue, where we offer a warm and inviting environment. We ask that you honor my cancellation policy of four hours notice, if you are unable to keep your appointment. You may be charged a portion of your appointment fee, if you fail to do so, except, of course, in the event of an emergency. |
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Sound Bath Experience
Immerse yourself in a sound bath?! Twenty-five years ago, I was presenting crystal bowl “sound healings” in my apartment. I still have my first purchase, a “D” crystal bowl, which came from a shop in South Minneapolis. The shop owner didn’t know how to use it, but I was intrigued, I had never seen anything like it. I brought her home, and fell in love with sound. It seems that sound healing, which fell out of vogue, for a while, is making a comeback. So, here we are on that circle of life called starting again. The more common vernacular these days is to call it a sound bath experience. So, I will call it that. After all, your cells are mostly water (?55%). So, what is a “sound Bath “experience? Think internal bathing?Sound vibrates/creates our physical form. Sound organizes matter. As far back as 1787, Ernest Chladini showed ways to make sound waves generate visible structures on his metal plates sprinkled with sand. Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ, of the body absorbs and transmits sound. Sound boosts the immune function, by creating nitric oxide, as light, a nutrient for the nervous system. Entrainment is the word for how our frequencies vibrate in relation to others, why we pick up another’s frequencies.. Cymatics is the study of vibration to generate and influence pattern, shape, and moving processes generated, a term pioneered by Dr. Hans Jenny. There are many books and articles written about the value of sound. Now we have You Tube also. While I started with crystal bowls, I added Tibetan bowls, a Gong, Peruvian whistling vessels, a sistra, and tuning forks. We can listen to binaural beats. We can hum, sing, clap our hands together. Crystal bowls, or otherwise known as singing bowls, are made of 99.9% hydroxy appetite, (silicon dioxide), which is a crystalline compound that transmits visible and UV light; the most common form is quartz, our cells contain this silica. These bowls resonate with crystalline and water structures of the body, such as cells and DNA, and are associated with the body's seven chakras, or energy centers. They are said to break up energy blockages in the body, reaffirm physical-spiritual connections and induce deep relaxation. Tibetan bowls contain seven metals corresponding to the sun, moon and planets visible in the ancient night skies and can be played against the body to restore inner balance. It is said that they originated in Tibet, and were used by the Shaman/ Bon religious healers. Since I practice TCM, I think of the Yin/Yang (Taiichi), universal symbol, as crystal bowls being more Yin, metal bowls more Yang.Some thoughts presented on sound:Sound may be known as the primordial organizing force in the universe. The human ear can hear at 20 to 20,000, cycles per second; we feel sound in our cells long after the “hearing’ is no longer apparent, we keep on feeling it because of the wave motion in the cells’ watery medium. People who are “deaf” can hear. Sound is a compressed form of life energy or Qi, acupoints have a sound or resonation Music is organized sound. Sound is measured in frequencies, which is the number of cycles of vibration per second, as the given measurement of time, named after a German physicist, and is called Hz, therefore one Hz is one cycle per second. Everything in nature is a whirling mass of vibrating molecules, matter is organized in waveform and frequency, including your cells. Sound could be described as a wave motion traveling in both transverse and longitudinal directions, producing an auditory sensation by the change of pressure in the ear. Sound is an acoustical wave, operating on the principles of compression and expansion of molecules (in opposition to electromagnetic), And requires a medium of gas or liquid for transmission. Actually, it’s a bubble in a spherical shape.Most of the value in a sound bath, as the cells have changed their frequency and detoxified, is sitting a bit in the silence afterwards. Be sure to hydrate!